Monday, March 14, 2011

Toilet Paper Orientation: Prefer over or under?

An anonymous friend sent this link to me a while back with hope that it would spark a new post -- Toilet paper orientation? To anyone else--those who are not, even in the slightest bit, intrigued by little peculiarities that make people tick a certain way--this subject is doomed to failure. To me, the headline not only sparked a smile, but achieved what my friend hoped for: a new post.

What prey tell is toilet paper orientation? Go-to encyclopedia, Wikipedia, says there are only two options available in toilet paper orientation when using a toilet roll holder with a horizontal axis: the toilet paper may hang over or under the roll. The decision of which supersedes the other is entirely up to the bathroom occupant and his or her personal preference. Bathroom occupant? Why particular to whoever is in the bathroom? Well, advice columnists like Ann Landers write the topic is so controversial, bathroom occupants may change the paper orientation in bathrooms not their own. Who does that?! Admittedly...[face runs parallel to floor] Before releasing any judgement, I never change the toilet paper orientation in public restrooms, only if I'm at a friend's or a family's house. Okay, so it is a little strange. :|

Want to know more? Here are the facts according to Wiki:
  • Over reduces the risk of accidently brushing the wall or cabinet with one's knuckles, potentially transferring germs.
  • Over makes it easier to visually locate and to grasp the loose end.
  • Over offers hotels, cruise ships, and homeowners with guest bathrooms the option to fold over the last sheet to show that the room has been cleaned.
  • Over is generally the intended direction of view for the manufacturer's branding, so patterned toilet paper looks better this way.
  • Under provides a tidier appearance, in that the loose end can be more hidden from view.
  • Under reduces the risk that a toddler or house pet (cat or dog) will completely unroll the toilet paper when batting at the roll.
  • Under in a recreational vehicle may reduce unrolling during driving.
Interesting? Certainly, but it isn't over yet! Therapists and consultants take it one step further by offering theories on character traits for those who purposely chose one orientation over the other. The theories often range from sex, age, socioeconomic status to political philosophy.

The traits according to Wiki:
  • If you roll over, you like taking charge, crave organization and are likely to over-achieve.
  • If you roll under, you're laid-back, dependable and see relationships with strong foundations.
  • If you couldn't care less as long as a roll is actually available to use, you aim to reduce conflict, value flexibility/adaptablility and like putting yourself in new situations.
Columnist David Grimes notes the kind of person who prefers the paper to roll over the top is an out-going, free-spending type who gets his or her kicks trying to sneak 11 items through the 10-items-or-less line at the grocery store. On the other hand, he writes the kind of person who prefers the paper to roll from the bottom is a naturally suspicious sort who vacuums his or her house three times a day and believes Jerry Springer is God. The last bit is my favorite.

So, I guess the question of the day is evident. Are you over or under?

Saturday, January 8, 2011


January 7, 2011 marked my one-year anniversary of living in New York City. Several topics circulated throughout my brain that night: accomplishments, defeats, friends, lovers, apartments, cities, etc. I couldn't help but reflect on change. Moreover, how relocating to NYC has changed me. Was it possible for a metropolitan city to dramatically restyle a person in just one year? Dramatically? Most likely not. For me, I'll admit it certainly has. As I celebrated my anniversary with a few close friends and my older sister, Kathrine, I made a mental list of how the city effectively reshaped Samantha Grace McCullough. And this is what I came up with:

(1) An above-average walking pace. My out-of-towner friends probably despise walking around the city with me since I (without realizing it) walk roughly five to ten feet ahead of them. Long legs aside, I completely forget about speed until one of my friends yells "Dude!"--resulting in an immediate halt and a dramatically slower pace for at least a few blocks until I resume my usual speed.

(2) Although not a health nut, I do aim to purchase organic or all-natural foods.

(3) Even more blunt deliveries. After studying abroad in France, my friends commented on a slight change of personality...sharper statements. Now, I'm beginning to believe it's not just the French, but more so metropolitan cities that modify this element of one's personality.

(4) Above all, I will admit the city's crave for fashion has conquered another. My overall fashion sense has undeniably changed since last year.

Without question, a bit of my personality is still visible in the clothes I buy. There are certainly clothing items I avoid and will continue to avoid. I loathe, for example, Uggs. But not Uggs by themselves. Oh no no no. Women who wear leggings with Uggs. I'm sorry...and what exactly were you thinking when you put that combination together today??? Of course, I have some dear friends who enjoy this combination and I simply do my best to focus on why I love them--THEIR PERSONALITY. Haha!! KISSES TO YOU ALL!

Other examples of unchanged style choices are similar to most women. Sure, models walk down runways wearing six-inch heals, but you won't find me strutting down Broadway or Fifth Ave wearing a pair. For those of you who know me well, you'd know socks aren't a must-have. Even in the winter, if I can avoid them, I will. For a case in point, just hang around my block on weekends and watch me walk to a bakery for bagels and/or coffee wearing thong sandals.

So what's changed?? While at uni (university), I was either preppy, sporty or a fusion of both. Nowadays, my style focus has too many adjectives: classy, chic, classy chic, modestly sexy, hippy, preppy and sporty. How did I attain such a plethora of adjectives in my wardrobe?!?!?!

After classifying and categorizing my attire, I couldn't help but think about the rest of NYC residents and how diverse style is in the city. I often get such a kick out of subway rides from Brooklyn to Manhattan just by noticing the style changes. Some mild entertainment for the easily amused.

All this, of course, leads me to a question for my readers: What adjective accurately describes your wardrobe?

The Great Wall

The Great Wall
Beijing, China